Why is it important for the Ministry of Education (MOE) to develop the three Masterplans for ICT in education?
Schooling traditionally stopped when work began. In the knowledge society, it never stops. – The Economist, 2001
Singapore’s drive towards the knowledge-based economy requires an education system which can equip the people with skills for creating, acquiring, disseminating and applying knowledge.
The importance of the Masterplans for ICT for Education is to then lay the basic foundation and equip ICT skills and competencies in students so as to prepare them for work in an ICT-rich environment.
The primary motivation for integrating ICT in schools is the belief that it supports students in their own constructive thinking, allows them to transcend their cognitive limitations and engages them in cognitive operations that they may not have been capable of otherwise.
ICTs are the key enables of the knowledge society. The development of ICT will build an environment in which most knowledge is shared and more knowledge and information is created as the distribution of such knowledge increases.
Education is, therefore, one of the most important components in creating knowledge societies, economic growth and prosperity. Education, in other words, is the foundation for every nation to progress. Education is not only the means by which individuals become skilled participants in society and the economy, it is also one of the key drivers in expanding ICT usage.
Given the advancement in info communication technologies, our young today are born native to the digital age. Instead of curbing the proliferation of technology, the government has integrated ICT into education so as to harness the power of connectivity.
Fusing the Masterplans in education allows the people to be better equipped with skills necessary for the 21st century’s challenges.
Has any of the Masterplans impacted you as a student? Share your experience of how ICT had been used in the classes you attended as a student.
I was in Primary 4 when Masterplan 1 was implemented. There was not much of an exposure to any ICT materials. However, when I moved on the Secondary school, I was given the opportunity to attend computer lessons. We have a special tutor for these lessons where he will spend 1 hour a week to teach us how to use computer applications like Microsoft and even adobe.
One of the biggest impacts that it has in my life would be during the time of the Interdisciplinary Project Work in my Junior College days. I learnt to make use of the Internet and to search for information independently for my project. At that point of time, my family is not able to afford a computer for me at home. However, through the Masterplan, I was able to work on the project in School.
Looking back, these lessons have in fact prepared me for my years in University, as well as in my career. Being proficient in these applications enable me to work faster and better. It has also provided me with the skills to complete ICT-based tasks.
Based on your enhanced school experience, how do you think the current Masterplan 3 may affect you role as a beginning teacher?
The key goal for the current Masterplan 3 for students will be for them to become self-directed learners. This can be done through collaborative learning between students, as well as students and teachers.
As a beginning teacher that has undergone all 3 Masterplans, I guess my role will be more of a facilitator in helping the children gain these ICT skills as well as teach them how to make use of the information wisely.
Information flow will be cyclical instead of the traditional teacher to student. The curriculum also challenges me to infuse more ICT related tasks in teaching so as to make lessons more interesting and engage the students in higher order thinking.
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